Fixers, The Business Club

The community of aspiring entrepreneurs at Emerald Heights actively honed their entrepreneurial skills in the business club, Fixers under the guidance of mentors. The club members were engaged in business quiz, insightful discussions, dissecting real-life case studies and brainstorming to conceptualize groundbreaking products. What sets Fixers apart is not just the ideation process but the journey from conceptualization to market launch. The students are not only challenged to develop products but sustainable ones. In a world increasingly conscious of environmental impacts, Fixers instills a sense of responsibility in its members to consider the ecological footprint of their products.
The club operated with the dedicated student body, comprising of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Editorial Head and Technical Head. This well-structured team ensures the smooth functioning of club activities.
Fixers dedicated sessions to discussing how websites can be leveraged to reach customers. The use of tools like Figma to enhance website appeal to specific target groups.
In the end, every member of the business club emerges well-versed in the basics of entrepreneurship, poised to make a significant impact in the world of business.