Silver Jubilee Reunion: Class of 1999

On the 4th of May 2024, The Emerald Heights International School, welcomed back its alumni from the batch of 1999 for their Silver Jubilee Reunion. This auspicious occasion marked a quarter-century since their graduation, offering a opportunity to reconnect, reminisce, and rejoice in the bonds forged within the halls of their alma mater. Many felt an unparalleled sense of nostalgia and belonging as they revisited their alma mater after twenty-five years, making this homecoming an experience like no other.

The day commenced with a heartfelt tribute to the visionary Founder and Principal, Late Smt. Suneeta Singh, as flowers were laid at her statue, symbolizing gratitude for her unwavering dedication to education and values. Energized by camaraderie, the alumni proceeded to the dining hall, where a sumptuous breakfast awaited. Embarking on a journey down memory lane, the alumni were given a guided school tour. They were in awe of the transformation of the infrastructure. As they participated in the school assembly, they were swept back in time, the familiar melody of prayer resonating through the air, igniting feelings of togetherness and respect. Upon President Sir’s arrival in the assembly hall, the alumni burst into applause, extending a warm and enthusiastic welcome to him. Also present in the assembly were Mr. Akram Khan, Sports Officer and Mrs. Kumar, retired economics teacher.

At Tathagat – The Mini Auditorium, in the presence of President Sir, each alumnus had the opportunity to share anecdotes and insights, recounting how their alma mater had shaped their journey and equipped them for the challenges of life beyond its confines. The class of 1999 honored the esteemed President with a memento. The journey of reminiscence continued over lunch at the Director’s bungalow. Post-lunch, the alumni visited their erstwhile classrooms, where echoes of laughter and learning still reverberated. The Silver Jubilee Reunion concluded on a note of profound gratitude and renewed camaraderie and promises of staying connected.