Silver Jubilee Reunion: Class of 1993

The Silver Jubilee Reunion of the esteemed 1993 batch was a poignant journey back to the roots, as alumni convened at the Manoramaganj campus, where they had spent their formative school years. Transported from Manoramaganj to the Rau campus in a nostalgic school bus ride, they relished the familiar sights and sounds, reminiscing about their school days with fondness.

The day commenced with a heartfelt tribute to the visionary founder principal, Late Smt. Suneeta Singh, through the tender offering of flowers, honoring her enduring legacy. Gathering in the main hall of the school’s iconic main building, the alumni immersed themselves in memories, attending the assembly with a sense of reverence and nostalgia.

A guided tour of the school invoked cherished reminiscences, with alumni even taking to the dance rooms to recreate moments of youthful exuberance. In a gesture of gratitude and philanthropy, the 1993 batch felicitated our esteemed President with a memento and generously donated to the Indore Cancer Foundation, reflecting their commitment to social welfare.

As the day unfolded with laughter, camaraderie, and shared anecdotes, it left an indelible mark on all, encapsulating a legacy of cherished memories and enduring bonds.