Emerald Heights hosted the prestigious 85th IPSC Principals’ Conclave Param Pujyaniya Sarsanghchalak, Shri Mohan Madhukarrao Bhagwatji

The Emerald Heights International School is honoured to host Param Pujyaniya Sarsanghchalak, Shri Mohan Madhukarrao Bhagwatji on 3rd January 2025, during the 85th IPSC Principals’ Conclave which we hosted from 2nd to 5th January 2025.

A special session was organized at the Director’s Residence where Shri Bhagwatji shared his perspectives on the New Education Policy (NEP) and its implications for the future of education. The school heads were introduced to him by Mr. Siddharth Singh. He spoke candidly about the evolving education landscape and shared his experiences and insights gained over the years. This session was followed by a lunch with Shri Mohan Baghwatji, offering an opportunity for deeper interaction.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Shri Bhagwatji for sparing time from his busy schedule and addressed the attendees.