Emerald Heights Alumni Sports Meet 2024 Wraps-Up With Grand Finale

The Emerald Heights Alumni Sports Meet 2024 (EHASM2024) reached its thrilling conclusion, marking the end of five days filled with spirited competition and camaraderie. Around 500 alumni spanning various graduating batches came together to celebrate their shared love for sports and their alma mater, making this event a monumental success.
Throughout EHASM2024, alumni from the Class of 1992 to the recent 2024 batch displayed remarkable skill and passion on the field, captivating audiences and igniting the competitive spirit. The semi-finals and finals were particularly thrilling, with each team leaving their mark and contributing to the vibrant atmosphere of celebration and friendly rivalry.
The closing ceremony was graced by the esteemed Guest of Honor, Lt. Col. Gaurav Gupta, an alumnus from the batch of 1996 and Mr. Muktesh Singh, Mrs. Harshita Singh, and Mr. Akram Khan, who applauded the participants for their outstanding performances and exemplary sportsmanship.