AFS Intercultural Exchanges

AFS Intercultural Exchanges

The Emerald Heights International School offers intercultural exchange programs in collaboration with partner schools and organizations from across the globe. These programs serve as a gateway to enriching global experiences by opening doors to the diverse cultures of various nations. Through these programs, our students explored countries including the United States, Russia, Germany, Denmark, France, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, Czech Republic, Japan, Italy, Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, Colombo, Egypt, the United Kingdom, Azerbaijan, Trinidad and Tobago, Mexico, Indonesia, Japan, and Hungary. Simultaneously, we take pride in hosting students from these very nations. The duration of these immersive exchange programs ranges from four weeks to a full academic year.

NSLI-Y Program

Emerald Heights has had the privilege of hosting students through the distinguished National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) program, a remarkable initiative under the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. This program extends merit-based scholarships to high school students, enabling their participation in summer and academic year immersion programs situated in locations where the eight NSLI-Y languages are spoken. These languages encompass Arabic, Indonesian, Chinese (Mandarin), Hindi, Korean, Persian (Tajiki), Russian, and Turkish. By providing both formal and informal language practice, the program offers a holistic learning experience.



AFS India Member Schools 5th National Meet 2023

A Confluence of Intercultural Education and Holistic Development

Hosted by: The Emerald Heights International School, in association with AFS Intercultural Programs India

The recently concluded AFS India Member Schools 5th National Meet 2023, held from 23 to 26 October 2023, at The Emerald Heights International School, was a remarkable gathering that exemplified the values of ‘Ahimsa.’ This confluence of intercultural education and holistic development brought together representatives from 80 schools across India and international delegates from Indonesia, Czechoslovakia, Ghana, Switzerland, New Zealand, Brazil, Italy, Slovakia, Poland, Hong Kong, South Africa, and Spain, along with 14 international exchange students.

Day 1: A Celebration of Unity and Diversity

The event began with a ceremonial lamp lighting by Chief Guest Ms. Chhavi Rajawat, the First MBA Sarpanch of India, Ms. Diya Badgel, National Director, AFS India, Mrs. Harshita Singh, Director, Emerald Heights, and AFS India Board Members. A ceremonial march with school flags showcased the diversity of the AFS community, symbolizing compassion, empathy, and commitment to peaceful coexistence.

The opening ceremony also featured engaging ice-breaking sessions, fostering connections among participants. The Colors of India, a showcase of traditional dances from various Indian states, celebrated the rich cultural heritage of India.

Thought-provoking keynote speeches by Ms. Chhavi Rajawat and Mr. Vivek Atray set the stage for deep discussions. Ms. Rajawat shared her experiences in sustainable, gender-balanced development, while Mr. Atray, an ex-IAS Officer, motivational speaker, and founder of various forums, inspired attendees to think beyond themselves.

The day ended with a dramatic presentation of ‘Ramayana’ and a Street Food Festival, offering delegates a taste of diverse Indian cuisine.

Day 2: Exploration and Immersion in Culture

Delegates embarked on an unforgettable excursion to the historical city of Mandu, exploring sites such as Jahaz Mahal, Rani Roopmati Pavilion, and Mandu Fort. The day provided a deeper insight into India’s rich cultural heritage, complemented by the exploration of traditional Madhya Pradesh cuisine.

The Cultural Exchange Continues: Indian Cultural Fair and Collaborative Discussions

The Indian Cultural Fair showcased diverse aspects of Indian culture, raising awareness among delegates about the nation’s rich heritage. Students engaged in collaborative discussions on keynote speeches, emphasizing the importance of unity and making a positive contribution to the world.

A Feast of Unity and Understanding: Street Food Festival and Flashmob Garba

The Street Food Festival allowed delegates to experience the diverse flavors of Indian cuisine, followed by a vibrant Flash mob Garba to bring everyone together in a joyful dance.

Acknowledgement and Reflections

The success of the event was attributed to the dedicated organizing committee comprising students, whose tireless efforts ensured the comfort and inspiration of all delegates. The AFS India Member Schools 5th National Meet 2023 stands as a shining example of how education and cultural exchange can foster a brighter, more harmonious future in a world where unity, compassion, and empathy are more important than ever. It was a convergence of cultures and ideas, guided by the spirit of ‘Ahimsa,’ lighting the path towards peace and understanding.